“His One Mistake” Gets a New Design
As you may know, Lifeline Gospel Tracts is the American arm of the British tract supplier, Birmingham Gospel Outreach, founded and managed by Michael Simpson, who also writes and designs the tracts. Back in 2018, Michael asked me to redesign his His One Mistake tract for BGO.
- Original Front Page
- Front Page
The tract tells the story of man who seems to be doing everything right to live a long and happy life. We see that he visits his doctor regularly, eats healthy foods, and exercises daily. He does everything except consider God. He dies suddenly without ever taking the time to acknowledge his Creator. The tract then asks the reader if they are making the same mistake, and invites them to remedy that error by expressing faith in Jesus.
- Original Inside Pages
- Inside Pages
In my redesign, I simply replaced the art with new drawings. The wording was not changed. The back page has only a slightly different type design. I finished the new design in March of 2019, and I think it was well received in the UK. Sometime last year I started working on a revised His One Mistake for the American reader. The British and American tracts are slightly different in wording and spelling. In this case, the British guy plays football (soccer) on Sunday mornings, while the American guy plays golf.
- Original Back Page
- Back Page
Late last year we sold our last pack of the old design. It was our most popular tract, the first of our titles to sell out,. We’re all stocked up now, and the revised tract is available in our web store. I hope everyone enjoys the new design, and that it will be effective in bringing the good news of Jesus to more people in the USA. Thank you to everyone who purchases tracts from LGT.
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