About LifeLine Gospel Tracts

SimpsonMichael Simpson was part of an evangelism team that worked in Birmingham City Center in the early 1990’s. The team, which attended a city center church, would reach out to people with the gospel on a number of evenings every week. Literature was handed out and the team engaged many in conversation concerning the gospel and eternal destiny. Although the church which the team attended was a full Bible-believing church, the leaflets at their disposal did not really ‘hit the mark’ and Michael felt strongly that he was to start writing tracts which would both challenge the reader and also touch the heart. 

The sheer ease and speed with which the tracts made it ‘onto paper’ confirmed that this was a venture born from something other than just an attempt through hard work to produce a new and different type of leaflet. In the first few years of the tract ministry, Michael continued being a high school geography teacher but soon the teaching career came to an end and the writing and putting together of tracts took center stage.

The heart to see the lost come into right relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and thus to embrace eternal life was and still is the continuing motivation for the tract ministry.

WatersFor the last eight years, the tract ministry in England has benefited greatly through the linking up with the artist, Mike Waters of  Keystone Heights, Florida. Mike has for many years headed the Biblical cartoon ministry ‘Joyful Toons’ which has been a huge blessing to many.

Lifeline Gospel Tracts is thus a ministry coming out of the friendship and working partnership of Michael Simpson and Mike Waters and features the excellent dedication and input of Mike’s wife, Marilyn.

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